Delayed, Not Denied

Have you ever been so excited to go after something?  Perhaps it was a new job, a new home, a new vehicle, and just as you got to the finish line, it all fell apart?  Let me tell you a story. 

In 2019, I decided that I wanted to purchase a house; specifically, a condo.  I was so excited to being my home hunting journey.  I brought my mother along with me to every showing, because let’s face it, mothers tend to have a sixth sense and can detect things that others cannot.  There was one place for example that my mother did not like immediately.  We had just pulled up the building, and my mother said “Nope, I don’t like this place.”  We hadn’t even gotten out of the car yet!  She agreed to tour the unit since we were already there, but she still did not like it, and quite honestly, I did not like it either.  Although it was in a great neighborhood and the condo unit itself was very nice, the vibe was slightly off, and you must always trust your intuition.  My mother even pointed out things that were not visible to the naked eye, and even the realtor had to admire that. 

But let’s go back to the beginning.  The very first condo that I toured, prior to the non-vibing one just described, I absolutely loved!  I loved the area, the views from the unit, everything!  That particular neighborhood was my first choice, but I felt that I could not afford it at the time, so I moved on. 

After viewing what seemed like several homes and condos every weekend for about six or seven months, I finally found a condo in one of the areas that I wanted to be in.  In fact, it was in my second area of choice.  My offer was accepted, and I was super excited.  I went through the entire mortgage process, submitting any and all requested documentation immediately upon request.  I obtained condo insurance as I got closer to my closing date, and I even submitted my Notice of Vacancy to my Landlord at the time informing her of my impending move. 

I was supposed to close on this new condo in the summer of 2019.  About ten days before closing was to be scheduled, I contacted the mortgage company to ask if any additional documentation was needed, to which they replied, no.  They went on to inform me that all was good and that everything was a go, and to expect an email in the next day or two with my closing estimate.

Several days passed, and I still had not heard anything.  I called again to inquire about my closing costs so that I could obtain my certified check in time to bring to closing and was provided with an estimated total.  I was once again told that I would receive the closing estimate via email shortly.  It was now three days before closing, and that is when the mortgage company decided to drop a bomb on me.  They claimed that the condo association needed to provide additional information about their financial reserves. 

Many times, with purchasing a condo, the bank wants to review the condo’s reserves and financial statement documents to ensure that the condo is financially stable, which it was.  What upset me the most was that all of this time, I was under the impression that the paperwork submitted by the condo association was fine, considering the mortgage lender had received documentation from the condo association about a month prior.  To say I was livid would be an understatement.  If they needed additional information, they had more than enough time to request said information, but instead, they chose to simply sit on the documentation that they had until the last minute. 

The closing date was rescheduled three times, and I am convinced that someone at the mortgage company dropped the ball, especially considering that both the condo association and myself, submitted everything that we were required to submit.  After having to reschedule the closing date several times, I ultimately decided to end that deal.  I felt that the mortgage lender was dragging their feet, but the saving grace was that I was able to get my earnest money deposit back, for which I was tremendously grateful.

Luckily, my landlord was very understanding, and allowed me to recall my Notice to Vacate and stay.  I was especially fortunate to have such an understanding landlord, considering that she had already rented out my apartment due to the original move-out date that I provided.  She was able to find another apartment that was the exact size and layout as mine, just on the other side of the building for the new incoming tenant.  See how God and my Ancestors work?! 

For months however, I was annoyed and frustrated since I had just spent so much time house hunting, getting pre-approved for my mortgage, and going through the entire mortgage process, and so on.  For those that have gone through that process, you know just how daunting and frustrating it can be.  But I digress because I know that for whatever reason it was not meant for me to live in that particular condo.  God had bigger and better plans for me. 

I restarted my house hunting journey in the beginning of 2020 with a new realtor recommended by a law school friend, and a new mortgage lender.  Then boom, Covid hit, and many condo building associations were not allowing showings of units.  They eventually started to allow them again around May 2020, so I resumed.  Once again, I was dragging my mother to every showing with me.  And then I found the one!

Two days after touring “the one” and putting in an offer, my realtor called and said “You just bought a condo!  They accepted your offer!”  The sellers literally gave me everything that I asked for in the offer, with no counteroffer.  As excited as I was, I was still a little jaded from the previous experience to be honest.  This time however, the mortgage process went smoothly, and they kept me informed along the way, and when I received that clear to close email, I almost cried. 

I closed on my new condo in October 2020.  And here’s the best part.  Remember the very first condo that I saw where I didn’t think I could afford to be in that building, although the neighborhood was my very first choice?  Well, the condo unit that I purchased is in that building and I am beyond grateful!

Want to hear the best part?  My interest rate is about 1.5% lower than it would have been with the previous lender.  Do you know how much money that will save over the years?  Talk about divine intervention!  God, the Universe, my spirit guides and my Ancestors came through again!  Not to mention, had I purchased my condo in my first choice building back in 2019, I would have been assessed $19,000 in the Special Assessment that the condo association levied on each unit, to pay for a new HVAC system, amongst other things. 

When I purchased my current condo, the owner at the time, as part of the Agreement of Sale, paid in full the special assessment, so when I purchased my unit, the only thing that I had to pay was my mortgage and regular monthly condo fees.  I was extremely elated!  At that moment I knew exactly why God and my Ancestors made me wait.  They knew that I really wanted to be in this building, but they made me wait a little longer.  It was not a denial, just a delay.

Even in my frustration at how the first deal fell apart, I knew that something better was on its way.  I was not meant to have the other condo, and looking back, I’m glad that it did not work out.  Of course, I did not see it that way at the time.  Sometimes we do not see the blessing until much later, and in those times, all you can do is look back and say thank you.

Perhaps there is something that you aspire to do or obtain, and you feel that you have been denied.  I urge you to not fret, because maybe, just maybe it is actually being delayed for your own good, but not denied.  Keep pushing and going after what you want, and it will ultimately work out for your good, as it is supposed to.  What is meant for you, is for you. 


The Matrix: A Poem

