The Matrix: A Poem

Hey there you beautiful, awesome, magical being!  I’m back with another poem!

If this is the first post that you are reading, welcome, and thank you so much for visiting!  My name is Sharron W., and I am the creator and host of This Realm of Existence Blog & Podcast.  This is a space for positivity, joy, magic, and inspiration.  Be sure to go back and read all of my previous blog posts here, and also check out the podcast episodes here

I hope to serve as a catalyst through both written and spoken word to ignite a fire within, to encourage and inspire you to go after all of your goals and dreams and to live your best life in this realm of existence.  Be sure to follow me on TikTok at esquire_aka, as many of my blog posts have corresponding short TikTok videos. 

Writing is truly my passion, and I am so grateful that I have discovered my passion in this lifetime!  I love all things creative, and I have several creative works in the pipeline including a book of poetry, a book of fiction, as well as a screen play.  I want to share a poem that I wrote a while ago called “The Matrix.”  As with many of my writings, one day, I just started writing, and this is what it became.  This poem will also be included in my upcoming Book of Poetry.  I hope you enjoy it.

The Matrix: A Poem

Puddles form in the street.  Tires of passing cars sloshing through them.

She’s at a bus stop, trying not to get splashed, but too late. She sighs.  Maybe I should have worn my raincoat.

Cars proceed like rolling thunder, thumping and splashing water with each passing.

She looks at her watch.  Where is the bus?  Eight minutes later, it appears.  Finally.

On she steps.  Another day in the rat race. The everlasting hamster wheel; the matrix.

No seats. She sighs. Thirty minutes pass by. Finally, at work.

Sitting in front of her computer, she types mindlessly.

She types a resignation letter.  If only.  I can’t wait to turn this letter in one day.

She’s dreaming.  Dreaming of abundance.  Dreaming of financial freedom.

She stares off in the distance, imagining the possibilities.

She dreams of a life she doesn’t need to escape from.

The phone rings jarring her out of her thoughts.  Hours go by.  Time for lunch.

Eating done.  She types some more.  The day is over.  Back to the bus.

The sun greets her outside.  No more rain.  Time to go home.

She’ll do it all again tomorrow.  Participate in the rat race.  Participate in the matrix.

I initially wrote this poem for anyone that yearns for freedom, including myself.  True freedom to do what we want, when we want.  To truly live out our purpose and passion without the necessity of having to work for someone else.  However, if one desires to work for another, and truly enjoys what they are doing, I say, go for it.  There is no one size fits all when it comes to defining freedom.  We must define freedom for ourselves.

My idea of freedom, however, is to only work on projects and creative works that truly feed my spirit and my soul; those that I choose to work on, or people that I choose to work for or with, not because I have to.  True freedom to me is being able to live a life of abundance in all aspects including, financially, good health, love, peace, joy and happiness.  My desire is to own my time; to own all hours in the day, and not have to adhere to the illusionary time clock as someone else watches my every move or calculates my every minute. 

Freedom that allows my body to wake up naturally, without the annoyance of an alarm, jarring you out of an amazing dream where you were about to meet your soulmate in the spiritual realm.  Freedom to take meetings when I choose, working with those that are high vibrational, positive, and spiritually aligned.  This poem is for all of us who desire true freedom, regardless of our own personal definitions.  I wish for all of us abundance, generational wealth, joy, pure happiness, peace, and above all good health to enjoy every blessing and opportunity. 


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Delayed, Not Denied