Relationship Goals

We often say that a couple is “relationship goals” simply based on a social media post, but we never know what may be going on behind closed doors. While their relationship could in fact be as ‘perfect’ as they look on social media, it could also be a disaster zone full of chaos, so be careful what you wish for.

Sharron W.

Hey there you beautiful, awesome, magical being!  I am on a mission to spread positivity, joy, magic, and inspiration, and to help you remember the magical being that you are and to inspire you to take your life to the next level.

Let’s talk about relationship goals, shall we?  It is inevitable that as we scroll through social media from time to time, as most of us do, we will come upon videos and photographs of beautiful couples.  As a side note, part of self-care for me, is sometimes putting the phone down, so be sure to check out my blog post entitled Self-Care here to read more.

These couples on social media look so happy as they vacation in the Amalfi Coast in Italy feasting on the most delicious fettucine alfredo with spectacular views in the background that appear to go on for miles on end.  Or perhaps they are sharing an ice cream cone in a cabana on the beach on a Caribbean Island.  Both of these scenarios sound amazing right about now, but I digress.

In these photos and videos, the couples look amazing, both individually and together, and they of course look super happy and content.  As you scroll through the comments, it almost never fails that you will see the words “relationship goals” or “goals” or some other verbiage.  I always scratch my head when I see this and wonder if these people really are in fact, goals. 

So, here’s the question.  How do you know that they are in fact goals or relationship goals?  You are simply looking at two people in a photo or in a video.  You do not know how their actual relationship is in private.  You do not know what it is like behind closed doors once the cameras are off, and the social media apps are put to sleep on their phones.  Could their relationship in fact be as ‘perfect’ as it appears on social media?  Absolutely!  However, to play devil’s advocate, it may also be the total opposite.

The reality is that this relationship that you admire and consider goals, could be a disaster zone.  It could be full of destruction and chaos.  Either one of them may be physically or mentally abusive, a narcissist, manipulative and evil.  Yet, all you see is a perfect picture or video that captures their glowing skin and white teeth, and what appears to be genuine smiles, and say “goals.”  What exactly are your goals based on?   Are they based on the fact that you see a couple that is traveling together, so it’s ‘goals’ for you to also travel with your future significant other?  Or are these so called ‘goals’ based on how they present their relationship on social media?

We have seen countless news stories about domestic violence situations, where the family or friends of the couple really did not know how the relationship truly was.  They will often say things such as, “I would have never guessed any of that was going on,” or, “They always looked so happy and were the perfect couple.”

We must be very careful to not compare our situation to someone else’s.  You may be single and see this so-called perfect couple and want the same thing.  However, when you say that you want what they have, you need to be careful what you wish for because you just might get it.  You just might get that narcissistic, manipulative, evil person that simply looks good in photos and videos and puts it on for ‘the gram.’  People will then look at your photos and think “goals” and deep down you will cringe at these comments and think how if they only knew the real deal and how miserable you are, they would not be saying ‘goals.’

When you say you want someone else’s seemingly perfect life, just remember that you also want what you cannot see; the good, the bad, and the ugly.  And you may not want any of that after all.

Be mindful when you see things on social media.  They are not always what they seem, so before you end up wishing for someone else’s life, and in fact getting in, why not ask God, the Universal Creator, the Universe, your Ancestors, your Spirit Guides, whomever you talk to for exactly what you want.  Rather than saying that you want what “they” have, ask for a loving, faithful, wonderful partner to come into your life.  One that you vibe with, have amazing chemistry with, and can travel the world with.  A partner that truly makes you happy, and one in which you make happy as well.  One who will protect your vulnerability and will show you through their actions how much they love you.  One that will speak highly of you and only wants the best for you at all times. 

Never compare yourself to someone else or think that you want someone else’s reality simply based on what you see on social media.  Again, you never know what may be going on behind closed doors. Click here to check out Podcast Episode #03 entitled “Relationship Goals.” 


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