You’re Too Old

You are too old for this.  You are too old for that.  You should not start that career, because that is for ‘younger’ people.  You are too old to start now and should have started that earlier.  Stop it and shut it.  People always have a lot to say about everything that everyone else is doing, instead of doing one of the easiest things in the world which is to mind their own business. 

It is absolutely free to mind your own business and to stay in your lane.  Too often people like to project their negativity and fears onto others and what they are doing. They like to inject their negative energy into another’s space, which unfortunately at times, makes the other person start questioning what they are doing. By the way, be sure to check out my blog post entitled “The Market Is Saturated” where I discuss how people like to tell others how they should not start a particular business since ‘too many others’ are doing the same thing.  Click here to check out that article. 

Here's the thing. Just because they would not start something at a particular age, does not mean that you can’t. That has nothing to do with you.  Do not allow them to stop you from doing anything.  Famous fantasy author C.S. Lewis once said, “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”  I love this quote because it is so true.  We are never too old to start anything new.  I would rather have a life of saying that I tried instead of a life of regrets for not trying. 

When I started law school, I was the non-traditional law student, meaning that I did not go to law school directly from college.  In fact, I took several years off, and when I decided to go, a few people had the audacity to tell me that I was too old and how they “would not be going back to school after all that time.”  I was shocked, but I also learned the meaning of projecting fears and insecurities onto others.  You are never too old to go after any goal that you have.  In fact, my true passion is writing and motivating others, and I just recently started This Realm of Existence Blog & Podcast, and I am determined to make it a success. 

Listen, there are some celebrities such as Samuel Jackson, Viola Davis, Vera Wang, Leslie Jones, and many more, who did not get their big break until their 40’s and 50’s.  There is no time limit on success, and if you think there is, I need you to change your mindset quickly.  Having a mindset that you are too old to go after a specific goal or dream will have you resentful.  Why not have a positive attitude and go for it?   Who cares that you did not do it until now, instead of when you were younger? It’s still not too late.  Look at J.K. Rowling, the author of the wildly successful Harry Potter books.  She was originally rejected over ten times when she first pitched the idea of Harry Potter.  And guess what?  Year after year, like all of us, she got older.  She could have easily given up as time went on, thinking that she was too old to continue doing what she was doing, but she never gave up and look at her now. 

Whether you are starting something new, or continuing something that you previously started, do not give up. Never convince yourself that you are too old or allow anyone else to convince you that you are too old. You are as young as you think you are. So go for it.



