Appropriate for Who?

Keke Palmer and the infamous black sheer dress that have many in an uproar.  Let’s talk about it!  As many know, Keke Palmer is an award-winning actress who recently attended an Usher concert in Las Vegas, and her outfit of choice sparked much conversation, most of which centered around comments made by her five-month-old son’s father, Darius Jackson.

As a side note, I remember when Usher first hit the scene, and I was in Atlanta one time with my mother, and saw Usher at a shopping mall.  I believe I was either fourteen or fifteen and let’s just say that my little teenage heart was swooning!  I just knew that he was going to be my future husband, and of course my mom had no idea who he was at the time.  I always laugh at that memory, because Usher was the cat’s meow to me.

So, back to Keke.  First, off, I will simply say that she looked beautiful.  Her hair and makeup were on point, and she looked great.  As far the outfit.  She wore a long, ankle length black sheer dress, with a black bodysuit underneath.  While I personally would not wear such an outfit, unless perhaps I am on a beach, I do not shame anyone who chooses to wear such an outfit.

During the concert, Usher came over to Keke, they hugged, and she danced a little.  He also serenaded her and during the serenade, she kind of turned around to what some may say, show off her assets.  Usher’s face clearly revealed that he was impressed and enjoyed what he saw.  In comes Darius Jackson who went onto Twitter and stated, “It’s the outfit for me.  You are a mom.” 

Rather than texting her, calling her, or perhaps speaking with her in private, he chose to try to publicly shame Keke for wearing what she did.  This made me wonder and question if people really believe that once a woman becomes a mother, that certain outfits or type of outfits should be off limits.  Although I am not a mother just yet, I do not believe that a person should necessarily be confined to what they choose to wear, parent or not.

Additionally, some have argued that his commentary on her outfit highlights a very common narrative that often denies women agency and bodily autonomy.  For me, Keke is a grown woman, the owner of her body, and can wear whatever she wishes.  To try to dictate how a woman chooses to present herself to the world seems a bit controlling.

Even after the backlash that he received, Jackson then doubled down on publicly shaming Keke, stating in another tweet, “We live in a generation where a man of the family doesn’t want the wife and mother to his kids to showcase booty cheeks to please others and gets told how much of a hater he is. This is my family and my representation. I have standards and morals to what I believe.  I rest my case.”

The issue here, is that he is not her husband, but even if he were her husband, should he still have any say so in what she chooses to wear?  Does your answer change depending on whether or not they are married?  Honestly, I believe that this was not all about her outfit of choice, but the fact that it was Usher, his reaction to her body in the outfit and more.

Additionally, to me it seems a bit hypocritical when he talks about his standards and morals regarding how you present yourself to the world, especially considering the picture of Jackson floating around social media of him sitting on the bed in just his boxers.  What is the difference?  

Understandably, people could argue that he was at home when that photo was taken (I am assuming), and not out “showing off” for anyone.  However, he still chose to post what some may consider a “thirst trap” picture for the world to see, positing it for attention.  So, I believe that if Jackson were to take his own advice, how about covering up since “you are a dad.”

I’m curious to hear what you think.  Do you believe that Keke’s outfit was inappropriate?  Are there different standards for mothers vs. non-mothers on what is considered appropriate attire?  I would love to hear about your thoughts.  Please comment below. 


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