Manifesting Your Reality

Let’s talk manifestation, and everything that you want to manifest in your life.  We all imagine what our dream life would look like, how it would feel, things we would experience and so on.  I often talk about my dream life, including my dream home and more, because oftentimes we speak things into existence, be it good or bad.  That is why we must watch how we speak because words are powerful.

For me, I imagine a life of freedom.  The freedom to do what I want, when I want, and how often I want, as money continuously flows to me effortlessly.  I imagine a magnificent love where loyalty, commitment, and unconditional love are the norm.  One that is spiritual, magical, divinely blessed, and where we share in the joys of the life that we have created.

I imagine a life of peace, good health, joy, and abundance, where I live in my dream home that I have pictured in my mind thousands of times.  I have pictured the flow and layout of my home and imagine this home serving as my safe space which provides me with a sense of serenity and calm.  One that feels like I am always on vacation.  I envision sitting in my steam room, as the sound of soft music plays in the background, as I go into a meditative state.  Following my session and shower, I take my elevator to the basement where I join my love in our theatre room for a comedy.

I envision tending to my large garden, where I grow the most amazingly delicious organic fruits and vegetables for my family, free of chemicals.  My two beautiful and healthy, yet to be born children assisting me as we plant new seeds.  This 6,000 plus, square foot home serves all of my needs.  It is a place where love, joy, and family reside and is filled with laughter and amazing memories.

After stepping out of my comfort zone, and going after my goals, dreams, and passion, abundance has constantly flowed into my life.  I imagine that I am the author of several highly successful books, and that all of my investments and businesses bring me a minimum of $3,000,000.00 per month.  Someone reading that number may think that is unrealistic but is it really?  Or, could it be that we need to expand our mind to ALL possibilities, because there are people in the world that bring in that much and more on a monthly basis.  I imagine all good things in my life.

I envision traveling to my favorite destination in the world often; Dubai.  I envision my love and I visiting many amazing destinations yearly such as Bali, Bora Bora, Cape Town, Belize, Zanzibar and Santorini, just to name a few.  I love to shop until I drop and eat at exclusive and world class restaurants.  I imagine discussing money-making ventures with prominent highly intelligent and successful individuals including attorneys, real estate developers, moguls, and investors, business developers, stock investors, and so on.  I meet men and women who contribute constantly to my growth and success, and I to theirs.

I imagine myself driving down the street in my opulent, gated community, in my metallic gray Range Rover, as I head out to meet friends for brunch, to not only laugh and enjoy each other’s company, but to encourage one another in our businesses.  Following brunch, I visit my parents in their dream home that I purchased for them.  I am grateful to be able to provide such an amazing and debt free lifestyle for not only myself, but for them, and grateful to have established generational wealth for my future bloodline.

This is but a small glimpse of what I am imagining and manifesting into my reality.  What do you imagine for your life?


Appropriate for Who?


Controlling or No?