Are You Serious?

Has society become so miserable that when some people see others being genuinely happy, smiling or laughing, they are deemed as being fake?  Would we rather see other people being miserable or sad to make ourselves feel better?  Have we become so low that we determine that we do not like someone simply because they are full of joy?  The late, great Dr. Maya Angelou once asked in her poem “Still I Rise:”

Did you want to see me broken?

Bowed head and lowered eyes?

Shoulders falling down like teardrops,

Weakened by my soulful cries?

I was recently listening to an episode of the Amanda Seales radio show, and she shared a story about being on a panel with a guy many years ago.  Prior to the start of the panel, this guy told her how he initially did not like her, and his reason took her by surprise.  Rather than not liking her because of her strong opinions about various subjects, her political stance, and so on, he said that he did not like her because she was too happy.  He went on to say that she just seems to be too happy all of the time, and because of that, he thought that she was fake. 

There are any number of reasons to not like someone, and let’s face it, none of us like everyone.  Sometimes there is just something about a person that you cannot put your finger on, or because of some of the things that they say or their views.  However, to not like someone simply because they are joyful or happy is kind of crazy to me.

It truly seems that some people would rather see others in a state of despair and depression, rather than joy.  And as Amanda Seales shared that story, it seemed to reek of jealously and envy on his part, because perhaps he could not find or have that same joy and happiness that she has.  It truly seems that people would rather see others downtrodden and sad, and that happiness, smiles, and laughter is now deemed as fake. 

I recall listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show a while back, and if I recall correctly, one of the shows fans wrote in (or perhaps called in), and asked Steve to tell co-host Shirley Strawberry to stop laughing at everything because it seemed fake.  Steve let that fan have it and told him to not bring his miserable energy to the show and asked why it was so hard for him to believe that Shirley was just happy and that her laughter was genuine.  He went on to say how when others are miserable or not happy with their own life, they automatically think that someone else being happy or excited means that they are being fake.

While there are plenty of people who genuinely enjoy seeing their loved ones, friends and others happy, I will never understand the irritation that some people feel in seeing someone else being happy, joyous, and laughing.  We will all have moments in life where we want to be further along than we are or in a better place than we currently are, but that is up to you to manifest your reality and that dream life that you want.  True happiness and peace is the goal, and rather than being upset at someone else for exhibiting such happiness, why not find your own.


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