At Least Try It

Have you wanted to try something new be it a new food or a new activity, but for whatever reason decided not to?  If so, why?  When we want to try something new, why not just go for it?  Many people, when it comes to trying something new, will talk themselves out of it with thoughts like “I don’t know if I will like it.”  You are absolutely correct!  You will never know if you actually like something until you try it. 

Oftentimes, we automatically think that we won’t like something, so we never expand our horizons.  If you try something and ultimately do not like it, there’s no harm no foul.  At least you know for sure that you do not like it, and then you will not engage in that activity or eat that particular food anymore.

Speaking of food.  I understand that some people have texture issues, and other related sensory issues, but outside of that, why be afraid to try a new food item?  During my trip to Thailand, my mother and I took a dinner cruise along the Chao Praya River.  During dinner, which was a buffet, they had this dessert that for lack of a better word, looked like snot.  It was jiggly and green, and did not look appetizing whatsoever. 

All of the people around us were raving about this dessert and how good it was, so I finally decided to try it.  The worse that could happen was that if I did not like it, I could spit it out, and eat something that I did like to get the taste out of my mouth.  To my surprise however, this unappetizing looking dessert was one of the tastiest things I’ve ever had, even to this day.  It was absolutely delicious!  I just wish I could remember the name of it. 

I’m glad that I at least tried it.  However, I also tried something else in Thailand that was not so good, which I will never eat again, but even with that, I’m still glad that I tried it.  This utterly disgusting thing that I tried was Durian.  It is extremely popular in Thailand and other countries in that part of the world, but to me, it tasted like rotten eggs, mixed with bad cheese and onions.  As much as I did not like it, I’m still glad that I experienced it, even though it was one of the nastiest things I’ve ever tasted. 

Ultimately, whether it’s a new food or a new activity, be it something physical you want to try, some kind of class, etc., go for it.  Too many of us miss out on things that we may enjoy simply because we are being too narrow minded and stuck in our own thought process.  You never know what you may discover about yourself.


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Embarrassed for What?