You Can Only Control You

You do not get to control anyone’s reactions to your actions or your words.  Some people have a need to control how others react to them.  They are often meticulous in how they word things, anticipating possible reactions and when those reactions are not what they expect, they get upset. 

The only person that you can control is yourself.  You can control what you say, how you behave and so on, but you cannot control how others react to what you say and how you behave, just as they cannot control how you will react to them.  While you may try to anticipate what one’s response may be, or in your mind, should be, ultimately their response is their response, and you do not get to control or dictate how they react or respond back to you.

For every action there is an equal or opposite reaction which you cannot control.  People will say how the other person didn’t have to react the way that they did in response to their actions or words.  But here’s the thing.  That was their reaction and it is what it is.  Your behavior, good or bad will get a reaction, good or bad.

Trying to control how others will react to what you say or do, can be like trying to control the weather.  You have no control over it.  Sometimes, you just have to let go and trust that your intentions will shine through and that you will receive the reaction that you wanted.  When we accept that we can only control ourselves and embrace this fact, this can lead to personal growth and better relationships. 

Additionally, misunderstandings are a natural part of human interaction, and can help you approach conversations with more openness.  Just because they did not react how you wanted, that could open a door to some more dialogue to get a better understanding and to perhaps clarify certain things.  But ultimately, let go of trying to control how others react to you because it never works.


You Know How ‘They’ Are


At Least Try It