Embarrassed for What?

Stop fearing embarrassment.  You think to yourself, “Oh I’m not going to post that video to social media because what if no one watches it?  What if they don’t like it?  I will be so embarrassed!”  So what?  Even if you initially only get one or two people that like it, that’s a start.  Do not be embarrassed to put yourself out there.  Trust me, I get it because I was the same way initially. 

Over the years, I had written many original poems and short stories, although I had never published them or shared them with anyone.  I thought “Who would want to read anything I had to say?” “Why would anyone want to listen to me?”  I allowed myself to talk myself out of something that I knew I wanted to do.  Then, a light bulb went off, and I asked myself what am I waiting for?  The right people are going to support me and enjoy my content, so I had to give up this notion of the what ifs, and just go for it.  I then published my first book of poetry entitled “Poetic Prompts of Poetry,” which you can purchase on Amazon by clicking here.

I realized that I needed to start creating the life that I wanted, and to not worry about who would or would not like what I had to say, what I posted, and so on.  I had to get away from any fear of embarrassment and just go for it.  In other words, I had to get out of my comfort zone because as we all know, life begins at the end of your comfort zone. 

Maybe it’s just my personality, or my Scorpio vibes, but I enjoy being an introvert, a home body, mysterious and always observing.  I’m a very private person who for the most part did not want to put myself out there.  When I decided to start posting on TikTok, just as when I decided to start This Realm of Existence Blog & Podcast, I had all kinds of thoughts and questions, wondering what I would talk about, and questioning why someone would want to listen to me, and read my blog articles. 

Unfortunately, we all have these negative thought patterns that creep into our mind from time to time that we sometimes allow to talk us out of things.  Then, I simply came to the conclusion that no one is me, and that is my superpower, just like no one is you, and that is your superpower.  We all have something to offer, and we never know who we may positively impact. 

The journey into the unknown can be a little nerve wracking, but exciting at the same time.  Think about opportunities that could begin to present themselves to you simply because you decided to go for it and stop the fear of embarrassment.  You are a magical being who has the ability to accomplish and achieve anything that you want!  Always remember that.


At Least Try It


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