Be Ready for Truth

Sarcastically I say “interesting.”  You may be wondering what I am talking about, so let’s get into it.  It comes as no surprise that many people are now realizing that the people they called conspiracy theorists, actually knew what they were talking about.  They were not crazy, or insane, or any other derogatory word that they may have been called.  The fact is that many so-called conspiracy theorists have always spoken the truth, but most did not want to believe what they were hearing. 

Oftentimes, when people hear something that they have never heard before, instead of thinking about it, they just dismiss it.  Although many things said by so-called conspiracy theorists sounded ludicrous to many, and even “off the wall,” many of the things they said have come true and are continuing to come true.  I myself, have even said things that could be deemed as “out there,” and yes, people have given me the side eye at times.  They would tell me that certain things were not true, and I would simply shrug my shoulders.  I will never try to convince anyone of anything that I say, so they will either believe it or they won’t. 

Back in the day, when I was still in the church, I too would often give the side eye to many of the things that I would hear.  Some of the stories that were told did not resonate with me at the time.  That said, people need to use their own discernment and decide what they believe or do not believe.   

Let’s look at social media for example.  Many YouTube videos that I watched previously, which spoke much truth in my opinion, have since been removed from the platform.  Even TikTok at times, tries to silence many of those type of videos by either removing the video altogether or silencing it.  Yet, they will continue to allow videos of twerking, fighting, and other vulgarities. 

I have noticed that when the powers that be try to remove something under the so-called guise of misinformation, it is usually in fact not misinformation.  Instead, it is information that they do not want you to see, or listen to, because God-forbid that we start to think for ourselves.  God forbid that we begin to open our mind and potentially do our own research, read, and study, which I always advise that anyone does.  They do not want the masses to know about certain things, so instead they silence the video.  Even some stores have removed certain books from their shelves.  Remember when Rockefeller told you all that he did not want a nation of thinkers but instead a nation of workers? 

I want you to ask yourself a question.  If what many of these videos and books speak of were not true, why remove them?  As I have grown in my spirituality, I have noticed that those that were deemed as “crazy” and those we are told to not listen to, were often the most tapped in, and spoke, and continue to speak, the most truth.  Society will often try to label certain people as crazy, hoping that you do not listen to them, and guess what, it works.  Those stuck in the matrix who typically do not think for themselves will usually tune a person out that has been deemed as crazy. 

For me, call me weird, strange, crazy or whatever, but the moment someone is called crazy, that’s who I want to listen to because they usually do know what they are talking about.  If they are not telling the truth, why is society so hell-bent on you not listening to them.  But if you really listen to them sometimes, something deep down may click and switch on where you will say hold on…that does make a lot of sense, which could make you want to investigate further.

Even some of the elders in your family, whether they are still on this realm, or have moved on to the next, have said things that have come true.  In my article entitled “Conspiracy Theory or Truth,” which you can read by clicking here, I relayed the story of my Great-Grandmother, who was born in 1900, and her ability to “know” certain things that were going to happen in the future. 

However, someone else not on that frequency will look at you like you are crazy if you say certain things.  I don’t always know how I know some things, but internally I just know.  People do not like that answer, but oh well.  Everything in the dark will always come to light, and things have been and are continuing to be exposed.  Things that people spoke on happening decades ago, but no one believed them.  But you will begin to see.  Enjoy the show, as it will be in your face soon enough.


Call Them Out


Leaving The Box