Choose Your Circle Wisely

Let’s talk about the circle of friends around you.  Back in Podcast Episode #57 entitled, “The Snakes Among Us,” which you can listen to by clicking here, I discussed how unfortunately, sometimes the people we call “friends” betray us.  In that episode I relayed a story that I saw on TikTok where a woman talked about how during the process of planning her husband’s funeral, her best friend blocked her because she felt that the grieving woman did not respond to her text fast enough.  Could you imagine?

A true friend would never betray you, since a true friendship is based on mutual respect, trust, support, encouragement, and loyalty.  It means being there for one another, and being genuinely proud when one another succeeds.  Unfortunately, sometimes your “friends” are jealous of you and do not want to see you shine, succeed or elevate, or they only want you to succeed to a certain point.  Never higher than them.  They are fine with your success, so long as you are not doing better than they are.

You must be careful about this kind of so called “friend,” as they are the kind that will smile in your face, and act like they are happy for you although they may not be.  Sometimes, they may not even like you.  In fact, they cannot stand you, but they want to continue being around you to keep you close to see what you are doing, to keep tabs on you, and to get the ins and outs of your life and what you have going on.

Think about this.  It is only natural to want to share with your friends, things that happen in your life, businesses or projects that you want to start, how things are currently going, and so on.  However, as long as they are putting up the façade of being your friend, they still have access to all of this information, and know the moves that you are making. 

This is why I say that sometimes it is best to move in silence.  By the way, check out my blog article entitled “Silence is Golden,” by clicking here.  While it might be fine to share some things, it might be best to not share every single detail of your life or every project or business that you are working on.  Some things really should be worked on in silence.

I have also read so many stories about a man or woman cheating with their significant others best friend.  In one story, the friendship went back to elementary school, and imagine the wife’s surprise when she found out that her best friend was having an affair with her husband?  This woman had been her maid of honor in her wedding.  Now don’t get me wrong, the husband is 1,000% guilty as well, especially considering he took a vow to his wife.  But a true friend would have never done such a thing.  Her friend was a snake hiding her ‘hand,’ and was perhaps even plotting for her friend’s husband the entire time.  You never know.  Ultimately, be careful who you have in your circle and who you call your friend.


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