Do You

Do you.  Someone, somewhere is not going to like you regardless of what you do.  You could literally save the life of their loved one.  You could cure all cancers regardless of the stage, or any other horrible disease and do good for millions of people.  Yet someone, somewhere, will not like you.  But guess what?  That is fine because not everyone has to like you or is going to like you.

I know that some people simply do not like me because there is something about me that rubs them the wrong way.  Not sure exactly what that is, nor is it my job to figure out.  It is what it is.  I get it because I feel the same way about others sometimes because I am big on energy and many times, I can just walk into a room or talk to someone, and my intuition kicks in telling me that something is off.  It is just something about this person, although it does not necessarily mean that they are a bad person. 

However, that is not the dislike that I am referring to for the purpose of this article.  What I am referring to are those that are just hellbent on not liking you regardless, even if they do not get any kind of intuition or feeling about you.  They already made up in their mind that they do not like you, and that you are not worthy of them liking you.  When this happens, ask yourself these questions.  Does them not liking you affect your life in some way?  Does them not liking you stop you from living your life to the fullest?  Of course not. 

Regardless of what you do, there are just some people that will always have something to say.  Even in Hollywood, they have a saying about good or bad attention still being attention.  They are still talking about you regardless.  For example, let’s look at what is going on with Jada Pinkett-Smith and Will Smith.  Many have called Jada a narcissist, toxic, and so on, especially given her “entanglement” as she called it with another star.  And just recently, she allegedly said that she and Will Smith have been separated for about six years, and many people do not like her and what is going on. 

Not surprisingly however, her book was recently released, but many people are tired of her at this point and have said that she just wanted the publicity due to her book coming out.  Again, good or bad, people are talking about her, and I can guarantee that the drama leading up to the release of her book will help her book sales as well.  But she is still at the forefront of many conversations whether the conversations are good or bad. 

So ultimately, regardless of what you do, people are going to talk about you, and whatever you do, some people are just not going to like you, so again, do you.  Live your life as you choose.  So long as you are not harming anyone, don’t worry about what others have to say, as it is impossible to go through life trying to please everyone.  Why would you even want to?


Sometimes It’s You


Stop Prodding. Stop Questioning.