Don’t Argue With Fools

Some people are just hellbent on misunderstanding everything that you say for the sake of an argument.

Sometimes, for your own sanity, you have to simply walk away, thereby picking your battles.

Arguing with fools indeed makes you both look foolish.  We have all heard the saying “Don’t argue with fools because people from a distance can’t tell who is who.”  That statement is so true.  When we see you arguing with a fool, we cannot tell if you are in fact the fool, if they are the fool, or if you are both actually fools. 

I recently saw a Meme that read “Choose not to waste time arguing with those who are committed to misunderstanding you.”  Some people are just hellbent on disagreeing with you.  They are committed to misunderstanding and misinterpreting everything that you say, regardless of how much you argue with them or try to break it down.  I have learned over the years, that in order to maintain my energy, it is best to just walk away sometimes.  Especially from those people who are committed to arguing about everything that you say.

Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with a healthy debate, where people can present their points, and agree to disagree.  That is perfectly fine when both are mature enough to understand that we do not always agree with one another.  But when you have someone who simply wants to be the devil’s advocate to everything that you say, it can become exhausting.  You could say something as positive as how wonderful it would be if all cancers could be cured no matter what stage they are in, and this person would still find a way to disagree.  They would still find a way to argue you down as to why curing all cancers would not be a good idea.  Do you really want to enter that cycle and rabbit hole and going back and forth with such a person?

As I have gotten older, I have learned to pick my battles, though admittedly, I sometimes still struggle in this area.  I have to remind myself that everything is not worth arguing or debating over.  Some people, no matter how good your points are, backed up by data and facts, will still disagree with you.  So sometimes, you just have to throw your hands up and say “ok, if that’s how you feel, that’s how you feel.”  It is what it is, and they more than likely will not like that response as the fool that they are because they were looking for an argument, which you have stopped in its tracks.  By not giving them what they want, you are choosing to maintain your own sanity, high vibrations, positive energy, and overall mental health. 

So before choosing to argue with a fool, someone that is just hellbent on disagreeing with everything that you say, for your own mental health, simply tell them, “I’m not going back and forth with you boo-boo. You can argue, but you’ll be arguing by yourself. Now go on and enjoy day.” Then, walk away. You will leave them standing there dumbfounded to look for the next unsuspecting person who will be subjected to their foolishness. But it won’t be you, because you know better.


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