
Dreams have secrets.  They reveal to us what we need to know, or at least start us along a path of discovery.  They may provide warnings, allowing us to get answers to pondering questions, to meet ancestors known and unknown, and more.  Have you ever had a dream about a person, good or bad, and in your waking life, perhaps later that day, the next week, or the next month, you see that person, or at least someone that looks just like them?  Deja Vú.

When we dream, we are actually living.  We are simply living out another reality on another realm.  They can be exciting, romantic, fun, or downright disturbing and frightening, and can represent our subconscious desires.  Dreams have been long steeped in mystery and legend, and many people often wonder what their dreams mean or represent.  Many times, our dreams simply do not make sense to us.  Many people believe, including myself, that dreams take us to other worlds; other realms and allow us to go to unknown dimensions.  But perhaps, this “dream” is actually reality, and your waking life, is the so called “dream.”

We would be crazy to believe that planet earth is the only place in this vast universe and that we as so-called humans, are the only entities that exists.  There are other dimensions and realities that overlap with ours; also known as the multi-verse.  There are multiple versions of all of us, and while your current human physical avatar may be reading this article, another version of you may be flying through the sky.  Yet another version of you might be in a meeting.  And so on.  These duplicate versions of you all live different lives, all while still being you in every sense of the word; down to the last molecule.  Some may have nearly identical timelines. 

Have you ever had a dream that was so incredibly life-like and vivid to the point that it felt like you were really there, and that you had visited this particular place or lived this scene before, even though you had not?  At least not in this current reality / incarnation.  I remember having a dream that felt so real, that when I ‘woke up’ I was confused, and it took me a good five to ten minutes to get myself together and realize that I was ‘awake’ and had just come out of the dream state.  I had likely tapped into an alternate version of myself.  Through our dreams, we often get snap shots of our lives in other dimensions.

We can also astral project in dreams.  One night, while visiting my parents I fell asleep, and the next thing I knew, I was flying over their house.  It was weird however, because I knew that I was dreaming.  Their neighborhood looked about fifty percent how it looks in my waking life, but the other fifty percent was different, although it is hard to explain just how it was different.  It simply had a different feel.  The air was very, very still, and smelled so good.  Think of your favorite cologne or perfume.  In the dream, as I started to lift off of the ground, I thought to myself “I hope that I don’t fall,” but then I recall reminding myself that I would be fine and that I could do it.  As I lifted off of the ground, I started feeling free.  I was exuberant, and so happy, although I kept looking back to make sure my parents’ house was still there, which it was.  I still laugh about that.  I’m not sure if I thought it was going to disappear or if I was going to fly too far and not be able to find my way back. 

As I flew around their neighborhood, I remember it being either sunrise or sunset, because the sky was a beautiful hue of pink, orange, red, and yellow.  It was absolutely breathtaking.  I was out there for what only felt like five minutes, and as I flew back to their house, I do not remember actually entering the house, or rather how I entered the house, but as soon as I did, I woke up.  I do not recall seeing myself laying there and getting back in my body.  I just knew that I was going to wake up soon, and that I needed to get back into my body.   When I woke up, I wrote everything down immediately, as this was my first time experiencing astral projection. It is a good idea to keep a journal near your bed to write down a dream as soon as you awaken, whether you remember all of it, or only pieces of it.  Write down everything that you remember.  For me, I have what I call my dream journal. 

I also dream in sequence a lot, like a movie reel.  Moving from scene to scene.  One night, I dreamt of a sequence of numbers; 175569 which add up to the number 33, which is thought to be a sacred holy number.  In that same dream, I also recall reading another language.  I was standing at a wall, and there was something similar to hieroglyphics, which were the formal writing system in ancient Egypt, written on the wall.  Although I read it extremely slow, I could translate whatever it was into English.  The closest language that I can think of that this writing was similar to is Arabic. I have not figured out however what the message was in the dream or what it was trying to tell me.

Dreams ultimately are never just dreams but have meaning. We may not figure out exactly what it means immediately, but one day, it might just hit you. You could be relaxing at home watching a movie, when suddenly you think ahhhh, so that is what that dream meant. Try to recall your dreams as much as possible. Remember to keep some kind of journal next to your bed to write down as much as you can upon waking. Sometimes, you may notice a pattern in your dreams, where you continually dream about the same place, or person. You never know what it might mean, or what it could be telling you. Happy dreaming!


Clout Chasing


Losing Yourself