Mind Yours

Love who you love and be happy.  We all have preferences when it comes to who we like, the foods we eat, travel destinations, clothing, perfume, cologne, where we choose to live, and much more.  Yet oftentimes, people have a problem with whom another chooses to be with, as it if affects them in some way.  If this person is not causing harm to you or your loved ones, let them live and be who they are, just as you want to live and be who you are.

I can recall back in the day when an ex-friend and I went to a concert.  The keyword is ‘ex-friend.’  When we arrived, the vibes were great and the energy was high, as we, the concert goers, made our way to our seats.  A few moments after we found our seats, in walked a handsome black man a few rows in front of us who was wearing a dashiki.  A dashiki is a loose-fitting, pull over garment, typically made of bright colors and patterns, that originated in West Africa.  Accompanying this man, was a beautiful blonde-haired white woman.  My ex-friend had a fit.

She nudged me on side to get my attention and said, as she pointed at the couple “Look at that BS right there!  That is ridiculous!  All of these beautiful black women in the world, and that is who he chooses to be with.”  She was fuming as if he personally insulted her in some way.  I told her that it was his choice if that is who he wanted to be with, and that I did not care.  She continued on with her rant and pure disgust for many more minutes to my annoyance and proceeded to get louder every ten seconds or so, to the point where the couple heard her. 

If you have even been to a concert, you know that before the concert even starts the venue is typically pretty loud as people pile in to find their seats, and there is usually music playing to get the crowd excited before the concert even begins.  That said, she was definitely being loud on purpose, hoping that the couple would hear her, and that completely irritated me.  When the couple turned around to look at her, she looked directly at them and said “Yeah, I’m talking about you!”  I literally put my hand over my face and just looked down.  I was embarrassed and annoyed, because I do not do drama, hence one of the reasons she is now an ex-friend. 

When I go out, it must be drama free, with good energy and good vibes.  Luckily however, the couple just rolled their eyes at her and flagged her off.  I’m quite she that this was not the first time they had received this type of attitude hurled towards them, as many interracial couples have, simply because they chose one another.  I asked my ex-friend if that necessary to which she replied that they needed to know.  Insert sigh here.  Needed to know what?  That you disagreed with their relationship choice?  Why is that your business?  How are they hurting you?  She was so upset, that she could not even enjoy the concert.  Needless to say, I never attended another event with her ever again. 

Love who you love, regardless of race or gender.  We all have our preferences.  The only issue I do have at times is when people talk about their preferences, yet in the same breath, they put down their own race.  For example, let’s say that a black man dates white women, and then in the same sentence says how all black women are this or that, and how he does not like them and so on.  That, I have a problem with.  So, you don’t like your mother?  Grandmother?  Sisters?  Aunts?  Was any of that even necessary?  Listen you can have your preference without all of the extra verbiage of not liking or putting down your own race, or any other race for that matter. 

Ultimately, your life is your life, and you only get one. Life is too short to follow any kind of so-called ‘rules’ on what is proper when it comes to dating. By the way, be sure to check out my blog post entitled “Relationship Rules?” here. So long as neither of you are causing harm to anyone else, live your life. Why do we become so concerned about how another person chooses to live their life when it does not affect us in anyway? Does that person choosing to date who they want affect your health? Your money? Your ability to travel? Your prosperity? Your happiness? Your joy? Just like you want to live the life that you want without interference from others since it is your life to live, so to do others want to be able to live their lives how they want. Mind your business and you will be much happier.




Embracing You Fully