Nothing Has Changed

Are you expecting things to change while you remain the same?  Here’s the thing.  Nothing has changed because you haven’t changed, and until you do, everything will remain the same.  See how I rhymed there? 

I recently watched a webinar where the speaker spoke about putting in the work.  He gave an example of how he recently went through all of his subscriptions for various services, as well as his memberships for various places, including the gym.  He said how surprised he was to discover that he had been at his gym for eight years, yet he was still fat.  His words, not mine. 

So, he posed a question to the participants to ask if he should blame the gym for him not being where he wanted to be physically, or should he blame it on something else.  Who or what should he blame as the reason for him not yet meeting his body goals?  Over those eight years, he has paid thousands of dollars for something that seemingly hasn’t worked.  But the thing is, as he acknowledged, HE hasn’t worked.  He did not put in the work.  He went on to note how when he took stock of how often he actually went to the gym to work out, he could see why he was still fat.  Again, his words, not mine.

Believe it or not, I have actually heard some people say that the gym does not work.  Really?  I am often baffled by this because how do you blame the gym, but not yourself?  Gym membership does not come with a magic spell that gives you your dream body simply because you are paying every month.  If you are not showing up consistently, what do you expect to change?

Ultimately, as I’m sure you have figured out, while this can apply to fitness, it can also apply to every area of your life.  What do you want and have you started putting in the work to obtain it?  This is a key factor for any area of your life when it comes to being successful, whether you want to learn a new skill, lose weight, travel, and so on.  Consistency is the key.

This means that every day, we must work towards our clearly defined goals.  While you may not be able to put in the same amount of effort every day, you must nonetheless consistently put in some kind of work every day.  While there will be setbacks and challenges at times, we must be willing to push through those.  Nothing changes if you don’t.


It’s Their Life


The Forever Student