The Forever Student

If you think you know everything, I hate to burst your bubble, but you don’t.  None of us do.  However, I would be willing to bet cold hard cash that everyone knows at least one person who thinks he or she knows everything.  No matter the topic, they feel the need to chime in because they are the all-knowing expert.  They do not pursue additional knowledge or wisdom because again, they know it all.

Let’s start here.  Learning should be a lifelong pursuit because continuously learning and growing broadens your perspectives and keeps your mind active.  In other words, you should be a forever student.  When most people think of learning, they think of the traditional classroom education, but learning extends far beyond any classroom.  This can be achieved through various means, such as reading books, attending seminars, YouTube, taking courses, and even traveling.

I have been blessed to have traveled to many amazing places, beginning at the age of the three thanks to my parents, and I was constantly learning something.  If traveling internationally, I like to immerse myself in the culture to learn about customs and traditions, or even just about the particular country or region in general.  Even if we went to a museum while on vacation, I was constantly learning something new.

It is so important to make a conscious effort to seek out new knowledge and experiences, as continuous learning can lead to a fulfilling, richer life.  There is always something new to learn and discover.  Whether through formal education, hand-on experience or any other means, there is joy is learning new things.  Every experience that you have can teach you something new.  Never think you know everything, and if you believe you are the smartest person in your social group, expand your group.


Nothing Has Changed


Don’t Say That