Salt vs. Sugar

Be careful who you trust because salt and sugar look the same.”  

I recently came across this quote from Bro Yosef from Nu Lyfe Tools, whom I have followed on YouTube for several years.  This quote is so true.  While we may want to see the good in everyone, and blindly trust, unfortunately, we cannot trust everyone.  Blindly trusting people can sometimes lead to destruction and chaos.

Both salt and sugar are white and granular, yet their tastes are dramatically different.  This serves as a reminder that not everyone who appears to be trustworthy or genuine necessarily has your best interests at heart.  Just like sugar and salt can easily be mistaken for one another at a glance, so too can people mask their true intentions behind facades of kindness and sincerity. Have you ever met someone that initially came across as super sweet, nice, loving, and overall great, only to find out that they were in fact sour?  Sometimes, people trust someone even though their intuition is telling them otherwise.  But when we think about, we have all been there. 

We could feel internally that there was something about a person, or a situation that did not feel quite right, but we pushed forward anyway, ignoring our intuition, which we know we should never do.  We know that even if it does not make sense in the moment, we should still nonetheless always trust our intuition.  How many times has our intuition or internal know-how told us not to trust someone?

Instead, because they initially came across as super sweet like sugar, we completely let our guard down with this person, trusting them, only to regret it later.  Some people are brilliant at posing as sugar when they are in fact salt.  Trust is a fundamental pillar of all human relationships, but it is also something that must be earned, and not necessarily given away freely.  In today’s world especially, it is crucial to develop a sense of discernment. 

Much like mistakenly adding salt to your coffee instead of sugar, the consequences of misplaced trust can be quite unpleasant and even damaging.  Therefore, we must be mindful when forming relationships, and while this does not mean that we need to be distrustful of everyone, we do need to be able to see beyond appearances.  Just be sure to take the time to understand the true nature of the people around you.


Shhh…Be Quiet


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