Shhh…Be Quiet

Zip it.  Hush.  Stop talking.  Be quiet.  However you want to put it, the point is to stop telling everyone everything.  Not everyone needs to know your next move, what you have going on, and so forth.  I learned a long time ago not to share my goals and dreams with people, or at least not with certain people.

Have you ever been so excited about something that you decided to do, or a project that you started working on?  Perhaps you just started a new business.  You excitedly told your friends or whomever about it, only to be met with negativity?  Instead of simply congratulating you they would ask you “what about this” or “what about that” and so on. 

When I used to tell people my huge goals, I would often get mixed reactions, most of which were negative.  They would bombard me with statements like “that’s not realistic” or ask questions like “well how are you going to do that?”  In that moment, it annoyed me because here I am excited about my goals and excited to share them, only to be met with negativity.  I wholeheartedly expected to hear things such as “oh that’s awesome” or “I know you can do it.” 

Overall, I just expected to be met with positivity and encouragement.  Instead of simply saying that they were rooting for me or wishing me the best, the first thing they did was project their own fears and insecurities onto me.  When this happens, you feel like your energy starts to go down like it’s been sucked out by an energy vampire. 

Some people, whether intentionally or not, project their fears and insecurities onto others, which can bring your energy down.  There may not even be any malicious intent behind their questioning, but nonetheless, it has the tendency to weigh you down.  On the other-hand however, there are people who purposely root against you when you share your goals and dreams.  Believe it or not, some people actually pray for your downfall or pray that you never meet the goals that you set out for yourself. 

This is why I choose to keep my dreams and goals to myself.  I cannot allow others to project their fears and insecurities onto me simply because they cannot fathom a dream or goal so big.  They just cannot picture it.  But guess what?  It’s not for them to see because that vision was not given to them.

So, move in silence as much as possible, and just let the results speak for themselves.  However, if you must share your dreams and goals, make sure to share them with people who will genuinely root for you and want the best for you.  People that will encourage you, believe in you, and will be happy for you.  But ultimately, silence is golden.


You Are Unique. Embrace It.


Salt vs. Sugar