Strangers vs. Family

Oftentimes, as unfortunate as it may be, support does not always come from family and friends, but mostly strangers, some of whom may become family and friends.  The word family has absolutely nothing to do with blood.  Blood only makes you biologically related scientifically, but family is related at the heart. 

Have you ever met someone and you had an instant connection, whether it was platonic or romantic?  There was something within your spirits that recognized one another.  You two became quick friends, and you supported one another tremendously whether it was in business or otherwise.  You promoted their business by sharing it, telling other people about it, encouraging them, and so on.  Yet, their own blood, their so called “family” has not said a word or supported in any way. 

Never once has their business been promoted by their “family,” no one in the “family” has encouraged them in anyway, and in fact, some members of their “family” may even be jealous.  It is especially sad when mothers are jealous of their daughters, or fathers jealous of their sons.  I have seen and heard about this, but I cannot fathom what that experience would be like.  That is extremely unfortunate.

But many times, family members start to come on board, once they see success happening.  Once they see that you are gaining traction, or being recognized, they now want to be supportive.  I previously wrote an article entitled “Clout Chasing” which you can read here, where I discussed how people, especially family, will often try to ride one’s coattails when they are mega successful, but they were not around while they were building what is now mega successful.  Not once did they tell people about the business, encourage their family member, nothing.  Unfortunately, this is a sad truth that many of us have to accept. 

Just remember that sometimes your biggest cheerleaders are those that do not know you.  Appreciate those people and show them gratitude, because it is not always blood that makes a family. It simply makes you related biologically.


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