There is No Cookie Cutter Way

There is no cookie cutter way to success.  Everyone’s journey to what they consider success will be different.  What I might consider to be the hallmarks of success, someone else will disagree, because success is a subjective concept that can mean different things to different people.  There is no one-size fits all when it comes to success and what it means to be successful.  In that same vain, there is no singular path to success. 

For some, success is measured by material wealth, status, and other factors that you can ‘see,’ and for others, success is measured by their personal growth or happiness.  Therefore, it is important for individuals to explore their own passions in their own way to determine what success means to them, and to pave their own path towards achieving it.  Create the path in the forest that is surrounded by trees, thick bushes, branches, leaves, and other shrubbery. 

Think about what you want to create or do.  Think about the amazing life that you are imagining for yourself.  Not only should you absolutely go for it, but remember that in order to “succeed” you must go on your own path towards that success. Each person has their own unique goals and dreams, values and motivations, and what works for you, may not work for someone else.  Nonetheless, it is important to recognize and respect that everyone has their own journey and aspirations when it comes to success.

There are various ways to be successful and paths to success in however that looks to you.  One way could be to set clear and achievable goals, taking steps everyday towards that goal.  Another way is to be consistent and stay disciplined.  Regardless of what you want to do and how you define success, even when faced with distractions or challenges, it is also important to remain consistent and to continuously show up for yourself.  I would also highly recommend surrounding yourself with like-minded and supportive people who can provide insight, encouragement, and potential opportunities.

Ultimately, the key is to define success on your own terms and pursue goals that are meaningful and fulfilling to you.  Success is a personal and subjective concept that should be defined by individual values, passions, and aspirations.  Do not be afraid to go after all of your dreams and create a path that will lead to your life of abundance and success in whatever way you define it.  Go create that path.  You will be amazed at where that new path may lead you.


You Don’t Owe Them Anything


You Will Not Elevate That Way