They Don’t Care

Picture this.  You are in a relationship with someone, or you have developed a friendship with someone, yet they constantly engage in behavior or say things that they know upsets you.  You have asked them over and over to stop, yet they ignore you.

In continuing with said behavior, this person is showing you that your feelings and perhaps you in general, are not that important to them.  They are well aware of how you feel, yet they continue to do the very thing(s) that upsets you.  If someone says that they love you, and they respect you, they should be willing to stop doing certain things or saying certain things that they know upset you.  Of course, that same behavior should be reciprocated. 

When someone is unwilling to change their behavior for you, it can be a challenging and disheartening experience, which may ultimately affect the relationship.  Setting and enforcing healthy boundaries however and communicating to them what you will and will not accept can create a more constructive environment for both parties. 

While we cannot change someone, the right person, be it a romantic partnership, friendship, or even a business relationship, is willing to change certain things about their behavior and compromise if they feel that you are worth it.  At a minimum, this person would take a look at their behavior or their words and make a concerted effort to stop the very thing that is upsetting you. 

However, if they continue displaying said behavior, why continue to be upset and ask them over and over to stop?  Instead of constantly getting mad over and over and stressing yourself out, maybe, just maybe you need to dismiss yourself from the equation.  As the late great Dr. Maya Angelou once said, when people show you who they are the first time, believe them.  If your feelings truly mattered, they would not continue to do that very thing that upsets you.


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They Can’t Keep Up