Welcome to Weird

You tend to think differently than a lot of people, and sometimes experience phenomenon that some would deem strange.  Perhaps you have been called weird, different, crazy, hippy, or any other colorful word by those who do not subscribe to your thought process or way of thinking. 

When it comes to spirituality for example, many people experience different things such as seeing spirits and other unknown beings, hearing spirits, and so on.  Some people are clairaudient, clairvoyant, and/or clairsentient.  You may have even experienced waking up at three in the morning to receive messages, or had dreams about various events that you then see play out in your reality or waking world.  When you tell people about these experiences, they call you weird.  Let them call you weird.  That simply means that you are unique and that you are not just a follower or a cog in a machine.

I have been called weird almost my entire life.  While I do not see them all of the time, I can see spirits, and I can sense their presence.  In my bedroom, I have a direct view of my closet, and every now and then, I will see “something” out of my peripheral or sense that something just moved.  I will then do a quick glance, smile, and continue doing whatever I was doing since it does not scare me.  I have accepted that this is a gift that I have. 

There have also been times when I was driving, and have seen people standing or walking on the side of the road.  Upon mentioning this to my passenger, they had no idea what I was talking about.  They assumed that I was just seeing things or that I was tired.  At first it annoyed me, and I was irritated thinking they were just playing around but then it dawned on me that I really was the only one that could see what I saw. 

This led me to keeping many experiences to myself a long time ago, even those that I continue to experience such as when I look up to the sky.  If you are consciously aware enough, you can see things in the sky, and in the past, I would point them out to people, but they could not see what I was seeing.  I again had to realize that not everyone could see what I could see, just like some people are much more spiritually advanced than I am, and they can see far beyond where I currently can see.  I cannot see all that they can.  Yet. 

I have also found that some people deep down know what you are talking about when you speak of various experiences, and know that what you are saying is true, but they would rather side with everyone else and call you weird and strange.  If they actually spoke up and said “well, maybe she has a point,” or “maybe she did actually see what she said,” guess who they will start calling weird?  Most people do not want that because they yearn to be fully accepted by society.  For me, I am the complete opposite.  I pride myself on not trying to purposely fit into society or what everyone else is doing, as I have never been a follower.

The next time someone calls you weird, crazy, or strange, simply say thank you.  Just because they do not see something or have the ability to see something that you do, does not mean it is not there.


Stop Prodding. Stop Questioning.


All I Said Was No