You Once Knew Me

You may know of me, but you do not ‘know’ me.  Perhaps you knew the 2010 version of me, or the 2020 version of me.  However, this new version of me, you do not know.  Have you ever gone through a life change, where you become more peaceful, more positive, more spiritual, and so on, only to have someone from your past think you are being fake or phony?  They say things such as “I know you and that’s not you,” or they think that you are acting different. 

I have always found it funny how when we make a life change for the better, people think that we are trying to be someone else.  At this point, I simply give them the side-eye and keep it moving.  The issue is that they cannot possibly fathom that you have evolved from a previous version of yourself.  The one they use to know.

Throughout this life journey, we need to change, adapt, and grow in all ways.  I would hope that you are not the exact same person today, as you were fifteen or twenty years ago.  That’s not to say that you were a bad person back then, but I would hope that you have gained more knowledge about life in general, your purpose, and that your mindset would be different, perhaps more positive than it may have been at one point.

When it comes to this new, current version of you, the one that has grown spiritually, the one who looks at things differently, the one who questions things in this realm of existence, they have no idea who you are.  They in fact no longer ‘know’ you.  They know a specific version of you.  Their mind is set to a specific time in your life, so when they see this new and improved version of you, it baffles them.  Instead of acknowledging this great and positive change, they think you are being fake. 

For me, this change started around seven or eight years ago, where I had this overwhelming internal feeling of something pulling me to obtain more knowledge and wisdom about the universe.  I have always questioned things and yearned to know more about the hidden and unknown, but at that particular point in my life, the yearning became very strong.  This was a change from growing up in the church where we were always taught to not question God.

Throughout this journey, I have learned about and started working with crystals, various ways to pray (As well as Powerful Prayers), meditation, mantras, mudras, magic and much more.  I know that some people that have known me my entire life think I am “acting different” or “changed.”  And perhaps I have, but for the better. 

Perhaps you are beginning your spiritual journey, or just making positive changes to your life in general.  Do not allow anyone to stop you from ascending because they believe you are being fake or phony.  Let them think what they want to think and continue being great.


Is it Really Taboo?


You Are Unique. Embrace It.