Is it Really Taboo?

I absolutely love learning about the things that I was taught to fear.  Those things that have been labeled as ‘taboo.’  Have you ever asked yourself why you were taught to fear certain things and to just “leave it alone?” 

For me, I believe that the powers that be know that many of the things that we have been taught to fear, are really nothing to fear at all.  In fact, could it be that they are the ones that are fearful that if we learn about certain things, it just might open our eyes in ways that they do not want us to?  Perhaps they want to keep us from gaining knowledge and wisdom, and learning something that could open our eyes and hearts, which could in affect assist us in learning about ourselves and who we truly are.

I believe that they do not want us to know who we truly are, so instead, when people say certain things or discuss certain topics, they are labeled as crazy or delusional, and we are taught to ignore such people and not pay them any attention.  We are taught that certain topics should not be discussed or looked into as they are off limits or taboo.  Again, we really need to ask why that is instead of simply accepting the status quo and go throughout life fearing things that we were told to fear. 

However, I acknowledge that it can be extremely difficult to unravel and relearn what we have been taught because it has been so engrained within us.  But the more curious we become, we open the door to more learning, more knowledge and more truth.  One of my favorite movies is “They Live,” which starred Roddy Piper back in the 1980’s.  I resonated with this movie tremendously, as it exposed the reality that our lives are often times controlled without us realizing it.

I am sure that we have all heard the saying that a lie is much easier to believe and digest than the truth.  We have been so conditioned to believe lies, that the truth is often a hard pill to swallow.  We have been so conditioned to believe a lie that when the truth is right in front of us, we think to ourselves, “Wait a minute!  What the hell is this?”  It is the truth staring you in your face.  The truth that much of which we have been taught to fear, is really nothing to fear at all.  They simply did not want you to know about it, so instead they made you fearful to even attempt to learn more. 

If we decide to just go with the status quo, refusing to go outside of anything that we were taught, even if it was a lie, we will stay stuck in bondage, in the matrix of life.  Try learning about what you have been taught to fear.  Perhaps you will discover that there was nothing to fear after all.


They Can’t Keep Up


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