Let Them Stew In It

Let’s be real.  Not everyone is going to like you.  Sometimes it may be for a multitude of reasons, and other times, no reasons at all.  They simply do not like you.  That is not to say that we have to like everyone, because if we are being honest, all of us knows at least one person that we are just not fond of.  Perhaps there is something about them that rubs us the wrong way, they are a negative person, they betrayed us in the past, and so on.  However, in some cases, your light simply irritates those that are accustomed to darkness. 

This is a quote that I recently saw posted on social media, and I completely agree.  Sometimes, people will get annoyed with you for no reason.  Have you ever come across someone who did not like you, and you tried to figure out why?  You knew that you did not do anything to them, and have barely even had any conversations with them, but they just did not like you.  Most times, it is a waste of energy to try to determine why someone does not like you.  For some people, it is simply your mere existence and you living your life of peace, joy and happiness that irritates them.

As you continue to shine bright and live in abundance while building your business(es), taking care of your family, and so on, they do not like that.  They are miserable with themselves and their own life, and as the saying goes, misery loves company.  They want you to be in the same ‘space’ as them, and the moment that you start to rise out of and above that, they become irritated and annoyed.

In a previous blog article entitled “Never Dim Your Light,” which you can read by clicking here, I spoke about how you should never dim your light to make someone else comfortable.  Shine your light so bright that blinds them, as they continue to be envious. 

Something in you irritates something in them that sees how happy you are, and how you are living your life regardless of any negativity, chaos or drama they try to throw your way.  They simply HATE that.  They are so much happier when you are downtrodden and miserable because they want everyone else to be in that negative space with them.  However, the moment you rise above any negativity, their irritation with you and dislike of you begins. 

People will often times wish you well until you succeed.  They pretend to be on your side cheering for you, but the moment you start to gain momentum in your success, they become envious and your light irritates them due to the darkness that they are accustomed to.  Regardless, do not let that stop you because it is what it is. 

Some people simply love misery and want to stew in it, and while there, they would love nothing more than company.  Let them stew in it alone while you continue shining bright like the diamond that you are.  Keep shining!!


Don’t Force It


How Is That Helpful?